Chanukah & Media Relations

Storytelling at its best requires the teller to know his or her audience and tailor the message accordingly. Thus, primary goals for any good media rep are to match social media storytelling with the right social media platforms and target pitches to the right journalist at the right outlet.

As a result, those audiences develop a relationship with the storytellers and seek them out when they need services or goods. 

I recently went to a holiday party at Thunder11, one of the top boutique tech PR firms based in New York City, founded by Marco Greenberg. Marco is well known for his rich in-depth knowledge of the businesses he represents and the authentic connection with whomever he engages –clients, co-workers or friends. It is why I value the opportunities to collaborate on projects with him and treasure our one-on-one time when possible.   

At the party, everyone paused for a greeting/toast from Marco and for the lighting of the Chanukah candles. There was a Christmas tree there too and a multicultural crowd with many who had never seen a Chanukah celebration.

However, given Marco’s long-time association with Israeli tech companies, Jewish organizations and friends, the candle lighting was a recognition of many who had come to share the festivities.

An observant Jewish guest wearing a yarmulke, obviously knowledgeable in the candle lighting ritual, led everyone in the traditional prayer and songs.  

Since Hebrew is read from right to left, it is customary to add candles night by night on the right side of the Menorah. But to my surprise he had placed the lit candles of the Menorah sitting in the windowsill on the left side.

Curious for an explanation, I was told by the candle lighter that since the candles were in a window, from the perspective of those outside looking in, those candles were indeed on the correct and right side of the Menorah.

Lesson learned: Know your audience if you want to publicize a miracle.

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